Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Some Random Thoughts

No posts for more than a week... Did you think I shifted to my normal lazy ways? Or that I contacted a case of breakitis which is currently doing rounds in blogosphere?

Fear not, that's not the case.

As I sit here with more than 2 years of this blog behind me (well, not spatially, but temporally) I feel like something is missing. The Eagle is not going the way he should, or want to. Although the emphasis on this blog is on book and related stuff (given my interests), The Eagle's thoughts are, well... random. I don't like that.

Well, if you think you know where this is going... well, let me tell you there will be an important announcement on this blog soon. So stay tuned...

Till then, keep reading and commenting...

And anybody who spoils my surprise announcement, तेरा मुँह काला| (you will get sunburn and no tanning)

- The Great Eagle Has Spoken...


Princess Stefania said...

The announcement is on it's way? At last! You know, random thoughts are often more interesting that the organized sort.
Two years, eh? I'm still in my seventh month.

Neihal said... I ll wait for the announcement, and no I ll not spoil, now there is no way I can spoil it is a diferent thing :P

and I agree with princess, random thoughts have their own worth , realise that and continue :P

Amey said...

@Princess and Neihal: Thanks... But I crave a little order (you know how they say you want what you don't have), and I didn't expect the blog to continue for more than 2 years when I started...
Well, maybe I will rethink my decision if you insist.

@Princess: At last? What do you mean?
And did you have to go ahead and tell me how old I am? ;)

@Neihal: Well, I don't want you to, else I would have told you there's a way.
Did you see my reply to your comment on last post? I meant to say that since this is the last book, we knew there wouldn't be any clues, not many surprises to come (which is JKR's style). I got into the book looking for smallest clues and then realised that it no longer matters, as there's no more to come.

Princess Stefania said...

Aah.. I just meant more dignified and mature.
And you announced your upcoming announcement at Priya's Blog, some time ago.

Amey said...

@Princess: Oh... that... Yes, well writing a post takes some time, even if it is a random post ;)